Wednesday, February 23, 2005

patience is a virtue

or as my friend mara and i like to say, "patience is a girl's name."

in any event, this week i am trying to be patient with life. life has been patient with me, it's the least i can do. for example, i have been working in the same boring job that i don't like for nearly five years now. life knows i am working on changing this situation. life knows sometimes these things take time. life knows that the health benefits, paid vacations and 401K are a dangerous seduction. so life is being patient with me.

one way to encourage patience in oneself is to make a pot of soup. here's my recipe for a giant pot of soup that feeds about 8 people.

2 large butternut squash (actually, you can make it with cauliflower instead, weird as that sounds)
2 large onions
3 large cloves of garlic
a good curry powder
a box of organic vegetable broth
olive oil
salt and pepper to taste

peel the squash, cut in half, clean out and discard the seeds in the center
cut squash into cubes
peel and chop onions
peel and chop garlic
heat a tablespoon or two of olive oil in a big pot
add onions, then a minute or so later, add garlic
saute until onions start to turn transluscent
then add tablespoon or so of curry powder
keep sauteeing
when onions get nice and clear and the whole house smells divine, add the squash
then cover it with the broth and a cup or so of water
bring to a boil, then cover and simmer until squash is tender to the touch of a sharp knife
this will probably take about a half hour
stick your hand blender in and go to town, until it's thick and creamy
add a bunch of kosher salt and several turns of a black pepper grinder
you are done.

now be patient before you take the first bite, or you'll burn your tongue.


Blogger Justin Kreutzmann said...

never knew so much about food before I found all these blogs.

1:10 PM  

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